Off The Grid

Hello, after my momentary silence. Holidays have begun and it feels so good to be away from the madness of the city and recuperating after this crazy year. About a few weekends ago, I lost my phone in a tragic plunge into the bottom of a toilet bowl and if you've seen enough Youtube videos, you'll know that water damage isn't any thing to play with :( It was funny because I got to feel how life was in the 90s again when mobile phones were just becoming a must-have item and life was pre-Facebook. Taking a cellphone out of the equation of anyone's life today is equivalent to solitary confinement. There is no flashing light or chirpy jingle to notify to you that your crush just liked your photo or the topic that your have been following on Twitter is now trending or even what global breaking news is relevant at this very second.

I laughed when this very topic was mentioned on an episode of "Candidly Nicole" aptly called "nomophobia" (no-mobile-phone). Though Nicole may have comically exaggerated the issue a bit, in a way, it so true. I was shocked at how we even managed to find people without always being online and available at the drop of a hat prior to the digital boom but on the other hand, I was amazed at how "alone" I felt even amongst people. Sounds dramatic but sometimes the most important people in your life are not always living with you and the only means of communicating is via social media. Granted I could just pick up the phone but we can all agree that now, phone calls have been placed in the same chivarous box as letter writing and opening doors. How sad... Though I am back on the grid now with a temporary phone while my administrative dramas get sorted out, I definately am more grateful for the texts and interactions that I can have with my distant loved ones and appreciate the time I spend with people in person. It's about finding a balance and not letting the world of tweets, likes and hashtags be our only life source.

Outfit Details
Top: MRP/Jeans: Woolworths /Boots: Zara/Bag: Dune

Photography: Londam-Holland
Instagram: @londam_holland_
Bloglovin: Londam-Holland Blog
